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Mouse TrapEnquiry

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Fly PaperEnquiry

Get Rid of Insects Mice and Rats

We supply effective solutions to your pest problems.

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To our Customers

We welcome enquiries from wholesalers, who wish to purchase bulk quantities. Also we can provide a Custom service to our bulk wholesale clients with their own logos and design. send us an E-mail with all your enquiries. Thank you.

Mice And Easy


Thank you for visiting our site, we will be pleased to answer all your enquiries.


Mice And Easy

Mice And Easy

About Rodents

Common Dangers

Mice and Easy

Common dangers Manufacturers claim that glue boards are safe for use, but there are many safety concerns that don’t come...

Glue Boards

Mice and Easy

Our Glue Boards,(also known as glue traps) are affordable, effective and indiscriminate. They are trays coated with an extremely sticky adhesive. Often...

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